Farewell party “Ruksati-2k24” for the Batch of 2020-24

Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology > Academics > Farewell party “Ruksati-2k24” for the Batch of 2020-24

The farewell party “Ruksati-2k24” for the Batch of 2020-24 at Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET) was a vibrant and memorable event, marking the end of the academic journey for the 8th semester students. The farewell bash included a series of fun events such as Pictionary, musical chairs, and tongue twisters, which brought laughter and excitement to the attendees.
A significant highlight of “Ruksati-2k24” was the Ms. YCET and Mr. YCET contest. This competition allowed the outgoing students to showcase their talents, poise, and confidence as they walked the ramp, participated in a talent show, and faced a Q&A round. M/s Parmeet Kour and Mr. Priyanshu Sharma were crowned Ms. and Mr. YCET respectively, and were felicitated by Er. Vidhi S. Singh Jamwal (Chairman, JGEI) and Er. Renu Bangroo (Managing Director, JGEI).

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