YCET Organized a Competition on “WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY”. The Department of Civil Engineering of Yoga Nanda College of Engineering &Technology, Jammu Organized a competition on “World Environment Day”. Very knowledgeable and exciting event on 5th June, 2021 for all Semesters of all the branches. the prime aim of conducting this Event is to create awareness and stress releasing among the young budding engineers especially during thispandemic-19 period, when everybody is packed...Read More
YCET FACULTY SELECTED AS EVALUATOR FOR FINALE OF TOYCATHON Er. Dinesh Gupta President of IIC Cell of YCET/HOD of CSE Department of Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology selected as Evaluator for Toycathon-2021 by Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell and AICTE. The grand finale of Toycathon-2021 is proposed to be organised from 22-24th of June 2021 through both physical and digital mode across the nation. Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell...Read More
3 days C- Conclave Concluded at YCET The Civil Engineering Department of Yogananda College of Engineering and technology in collaboration with JK Cement and Ultratech Cement organized 3- Day Concrete Conclave on “Advancement in Concrete Technology” which were concluded yesterday. The main objective of this workshop to make participants familiar with the recent trends in advancement of concrete technology. Many Intellectuals from all over the country participated actively in this...Read More