Various Student Development Activities


he Department of Computer Science Engineering at Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET) organized a session on “Building a Generative AI for Fashion” for CSE students from YCET and BCA students from IMS College. The session was conducted by Livewire, a company known for its global skill development programs in emerging technologies like AI, data science, machine learning, IoT, and blockchain. The session featured Mr. Sushil Soni, Product Manager...
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It is a matter of immense pride that the students of YCET 7th semester CSE department i.e Mr sarthak Sharma, Mr vikrant & Ms komal are undergoing their final year summer internship from IIT Jammu. It is such a golden opportunity for these students to work under the best educators of the country and at the same time get to know about the learning methods in the IIT’s. This internship...
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Students of Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology (YCET) got selected in Livewire India Pvt. Ltd., Flipkart and Zomato. Students namely Miss Parmeet Kour got selected in Livewire India Pvt. Ltd, Mr. Ashish Bhat got selected in Zomato. Miss Aditi Singh Charak, Miss Nitika Bolowria, Mr. Adnan Katoch, Mr.Tawkeer Ahmad and Mr. Afee Ahmad Mir got selected in Flipkart. These students will join with the final annual package of Rs...
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