Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology > Computer Science Engineering > CSE Department of YCET ORGANIZES SESSION ON “PITCHING EVENT FOR MENTORSHIP SUPPORT”

JAMMU, JAN 19: Department of Computer Science, Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET) organizes “Pitching event of ideas scouted for mentorship support” knowledgeable and exciting session on 19th January 2022 for all the students of the 7th semester studying in different departments of YCET.


Er. Dinesh Gupta, (President IIC Cell and Incubation Ambassador) initiated the session with a brief introduction about the Institutions Innovation Council (IIC) – A MHRD Govt. of India Initiative to nurture buddy Engineers in research projects and startups. He explained about the incubator i.e an organization that helps startup companies and individual entrepreneurs to develop their businesses by providing a full-scale range of services starting with management training and office space and ending with venture capital financing.
After that, the stage was progressed by Er. Yuvraj Singh, IIC Innovation Ambassador. He explained Innovation, its types and techniques such as SCAMPER which means substitute, simplicity, combine, adapt, modify, magnify, put to other uses, Eliminate, Reverse, Rearrange.
Further, the session was followed by Er. Rajnish (H.O.D CIVIL Department and IIC Startup Ambassador) enlightened the students about the idea of entrepreneurship. He explained that Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise, along with any of its uncertainties to make a profit. In the last, he said try to be a job giver rather than to become a job seeker.
Er. Robin Kumar (H.O.D Computer Science Department and IIC IPR Ambassador) gave important information about Intellectual Property Rights i.e legal rights that protect creations and/or inventions resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary, or artistic fields, and explained the types of intellectual property Rights i.e patents, designs, trademarks, copyrights, etc.

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