Department of Electrical Engineering, Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET) organized a webinar on “Application of Matlab to Electrical Engineering ” for 7th, 5th and 3rd sem electrical engineering students, on here today. The quest for a technologically aware student base was cultivated further today by Electrical Engineering Department, YCET.
This webinar will reveal important information about the Applications of MATLAB. MATLAB is a programming platform designed specifically for engineers and scientists. It is used to analyze data, Develop algorithms and create models and applications. MATLAB can be used as a tool for simulating various electrical networks but the recent developments in MATLAB make it very competitive tool for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Image processing, Wireless communication, Machine learning, Data Analytics.
Formal welcome address was given by Er. Loveneesh Talwar(HOD, Electrical Department YCET). The webinar was further followed by Dr. Premkumar Kamaraj (Associate Professor, Department of EEE, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
The students were fortunate that they have got the chance to attend this webinar for increasing their knowledge and creative extravagance along with the expert from the concerned field. The guests remained highly commemorative of the efforts of the organizing Electrical Department, YCET for getting the best out these opportunities, which are being provided under the well wishes of the YCET Management. The vote of thanks was delivered by Er. Shivangi Tondon.