Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology > Academics > Industrial Visit at CIIIT ,Jammu

Industrial visit to CIIIT,Jammu was conducted by ycet.all branches and all semesters of, civil,electrical, mechanical and cse students were part of the visit.they got first hand knowledge about mechatronics, IOT,E vehicles, its assembly,its testing.Role of robot’s. Cnc machine.etc.Ms heena gupta,lecturer gave powerpoint presentation about Jammu smart city six resolutions to make jammu city smart and resilient. The important areas which are to be improved by using iot like grid, education, water meter,4
Smart governance, health care and transportation.The visit was very informative and knowledgeable. The faculty accompanied were Er.Rajnish Magotra, Er.loveneesh Talwar,Er.Anshu sharma and Er.Inderdeep singh.Ycet thanked Prof.Talat hussain,pri cipal ,Govt polytechnic for granting permission to visit CIIIT,Jammu.

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