On 15thSeptember 2018, to spark positive confidence in budding Engineers, Department of Applied Sciences, YCET organizes an Inter- Departmental Oration Competition on the occasion of Engineers day for the first semester students. The event started with tribute to Sir M Visvesvaraya and these celebrations motivate the younger generation to emulate the work.

The baseline of oration emphasised upon the Role of Engineers in Developing India and Engineering Innovations for Golden Years. The day is packed with exciting engineering aspects, interactive speakers and career talks by Dr. Arvind Dewangan, Director, YCET. The Department invited all the branches for participation in the competition. The program was started at 1:00 pm in the Auditorium.

The competition was judged by the panel of judges. The panel comprises of Dr. Vijay Koul, Dean Academics YCETand Er. Nidhi Jamwal, Administrative SecretaryYCET to ensure the fair judgment of the performance. The judges were very impressed by the high quality of speeches and the obvious preparation that had gone into the day. They acknowledged that it is not easy to stand before a large audience and deliver.
Students had some interesting and creative speeches which made the day entertaining. Many students injected various statistics into their speeches which added interest to the overall speecch. The evaluation parameters to judge the speakers are communication skills, confident delivery, clear expressions, body language and especially a coherent and thought provoking content.
The audience gave a warm applause to the speakers and boosted the morale of speakers. The competition was graced by the presence of Er. B.R Verma, Chief Coordinator, Mr. R.S Dalpatia, Deputy Registrar & HOD’s of various departments. The programme was successfully coordinated by HOD, Faculty members & students of Applied Sciences Department. It was really hard for the judges to decide the winners. The result was announced by Er. Nidhi Jamwal, Administrative SecretaryYCET at the end of the competition. The first winner was Ms. Ridhima Sharma (CSE Branch) and second position was bagged by Ali Raza (Civil Branch). Students participated in the competition with utmost enthusiasm and energy. The session was concluded by motivating words of Dr. Vijay Koul, Dean Academics YCETand points of improvement for further growth.