R&D at YCET refers to the part of college that seeks knowledge to develop, design and enhance that personnel and student’s ideas, methods, technologies and processes.Research refers to any new science or thinking that will result in a new product or new features for an existing product.
International and National Conferences, Publications, Innovation Centre, Focus on Entrepreneurship, Robotics, Collaborations and Tie-Ups.
Our mission is to make our students intellectually competent, morally strong, socially committed and spiritually inspired so that they can contribute towards Nation building.
R&D is an important means for achieving future growth and maintaining a relevant academic and practical academic culture among the students and in the institution.
We believe that true education trains both head and heart.
SMVDU TBIC has joined hands with YCET to identify potential entrepreneurs among the students of YCET, nurturing and supporting innovations and developing technology-based ideas into independent self-sustainable business.
YCET Collaborates with IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial to provide students an opportunity to self-learn various concepts and get certified from IIT Bombay through an Online Exam. Also FDPs on various topics for Teaching Staff as well.
MHRD has initiated the National Digital Library of India (NDL India) pilot project to develop a framework of virtual repository of learning resources with a single-window search facility. YCET Collaborated with NDL to provide online access to digital library.
YCET Collaborated with Internshala to equip students with relevant skills & practical exposure through internships and online trainings. Imagine a world full of freedom and possibilities. “A world where your practical skills matter more than your university degree.”
Research and development is at the core of our growth strategy and our identity as the Technical Institution.
YCET Students bagged 2nd prize in Paper Presentation in International Conference on “Recent Advances in Inter Disciplinary Sciences”by Department of Electronics, Jammu University