Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology organized a webinar on “ Cyber Security & Forensic ” for 3rd,5th, and 8th semesters Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering students here today. The Programme was started with the welcome address by Er. Anupreet which was followed by the lecture of Er. Niraj Dubey Sr.Assistant Professor in GCET, Jammu delivered his lecture on Cyber securities & forensics. He explained the three pillars of cyber security interaction i.e people, process, and technology, which was followed by a live session on cyber-attacks through various websites like,, etc. He also briefed about IT ACT 17B under which whenever any cyber attack is encountered then it needs to be reported to certain Departments like the Ministry of Electronics and information technology within 6 hours. The lecture edged the young minds a little more towards the bright future that lay ahead of them.
The students were fortunate that they got the chance to attend this session for increasing their awareness and well-being. The guests remained highly commemorative of the efforts of the organizing Computer Engineering Department, YCET for getting the best out of these opportunities, which are being provided under the good wishes of the YCET Management.
Er.Bodh Raj Verma, Chief coordinator YCET Jammu, Er. Dinesh Gupta (Dean Academic, YCET) and faculty members were also present there. The session ended with the Vote of thanks by Er. Robin Kumar (H.O.D, Computer Engineering department).