With the objective of enriching the knowledge & exposure, Yogananda College of Engineering & Technology (YCET) organizes an industrial visit to the Centre for Invention, Innovation, Incubation & Training (CIIIT), Jammu which has been established by Government Polytechnic College, Jammu to impart training in latest trends of Manufacturing Technology, Automobile Engineering conforming to Industry 4.0 Generation with the help of Tata Technologies Ltd. Pune, for the students of Mechanical Engineering. Prof. (Dr.) A. K. Srivastava was vocal to share that YCETians create their own contraptions, invent, explore & break down stuff. The visit for the 5th semester & 3rd-semester Mechanical engineering students was a cross-disciplinary initiative where designers & the curious can explore & pursue their interest in the made world, develop personal projects & start collaborative projects. Er. NeerajPandita(HoD, Mechanical Engineering Department, YCET), briefed the students about the latest technologies established at CIIIT with the aim of up-skilling & enhancing employability of engineering students to the latest trends by imparting skill training on the latest technologies with the help of faculty from TATA Technologies that will certainly bridge the gap between Industry & Academia. The main focus of interactions at CIIIT is on Industrial Processes, Product Verification & Analysis, Product Life Cycle, Value Engineering, Digital & Advance Manufacturing Engineering, Mechatronics & IoT, critical thinking/writing, and live product design projects to meet the demand of consumers & market, which end with most comprehensive exposures with industry persons. The visit was only possible due to the dedicated efforts and guidance of Er. RituJamwal (Principal Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu), Er. Kuldeep Singh Bhatia (HoD Mechanical, Govt. Polytechnic, Jammu), Er. Sunil (TATA Technologies, CIIIT) also stressed the need for skill generation among budding engineers. Er. Vidhi. S. Singh Jamwal (Chairman cum Managing Trustee), Th. Shiv Dev Singh Jamwal (Vice Chairman cum Managing Trustee), Er. RenuBangroo (Managing Director cum Trustee), congratulated the department for imparting live training sessions to students. In making the event successful, an immense effort was put in Er. Inderdeep Singh (Assistant Prof., Mechanical Engineering, YCET), quoted that product life cycle management is the key driver for Industry 4.0 & is playing an important role in digital transformation in all the industries of India & abroad.