The Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Yogananda College of Engineering and Technology (YCET ) organized webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights Filing” on 29th November, 2021 for Computer Science & Electrical Engineering students.
The session began with welcome address by Er. Loveneesh Talwar, HOD ( Electrical Engg. Deptt. )
The resource persons for the webinar were Er. Pooja Menon B.Tech (IT), Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights and Mr. Swapnil Satish Kulkarni, Director, Magic Prints. Er. Pooja Menon gave the information of Intellectual Property Rights i.e legal rights which protect creations and/or inventions resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields. These rights are given to persons over the creations of their minds.. The guests remained highly commemorative of the efforts of the organizing CSE & Electrical Engineering Department, YCET for getting the best out these opportunities, which are being provided under the well wishes of the YCET Management.
Prof. ( Dr. ) A. K. Srivastava, Director, YCET appreciated the efforts of CSE / IT & Electrical Engineering Department and also addressed the students. He said that students have to think out of the box and do innovations. The session was coordinated by Er. Robin Kumar, Coordinator of CSE department who also gave a formal vote of thanks.